I replied to the ad published by Bora EGV Recruitment looking for Doctors for France. I applied as a General Practitioner by them and I got in touch with Zsuzsa Bony-Rákóczi. Already during our first contact she seemed to be very correct, precise and sympathetic. I could later experience in live that all the information she provided me earlier was complete and correct. She helped me in everything, she knows very well the maze of the bureaucraty in my home country and in France and due to her good contacts she is able to manage and to strongly support our interests. It isn’t easy matter for a Doctor coming from another country to get the registration by the College of Doctors in France. She was very efficient also in that regard and she managed that with professionalism.
We are still in friendly terms and if I need some help, she is always available.
I appreciate a lot Zsuzsa Bony-Rákóczi both on a human and professional level. I highly recommend Her and her company to those who would like to find a job in France as GP or Specialists.